What is Parameter Forwarding, Why to use it & How to implement in URL Shortify?

Parameter forwarding in URL Shortify is a feature that allows any parameters added to a short URL to be automatically appended to the target URL when the link is accessed. This capability is essential for passing data through URL structures, tracking user interactions, and personalizing user experiences.

Key Features

  • Dynamic URL Construction: Forward parameters from the short URL to the target URL, ensuring a seamless data transfer.

  • Customization: Choose which parameters to forward or apply forwarding universally across all URLs.

  • Integration Friendly: Compatible with various analytics, marketing, and affiliate tools.

Why Use Parameter Forwarding?

Enhanced Tracking and Analytics

  • Campaign Performance: Append UTM parameters to track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and measure results accurately.

  • User Behavior Analysis: Gain insights into user journeys and behavior by monitoring forwarded parameters.

Seamless User Experience

  • Personalization: Deliver a customized experience by forwarding parameters like customer IDs or session tokens to target URLs.

  • Consistency: Maintain data integrity across user interactions by ensuring parameters are carried forward accurately.

Simplified URL Management

  • Flexibility: Use a single short URL for multiple purposes by dynamically adding parameters as needed.

  • Reduced Clutter: Minimize the number of URLs managed, reducing the potential for errors and ensuring a streamlined URL structure.

Better Affiliate and Referral Tracking

  • Precise Attribution: Ensure accurate traffic and conversion attribution by forwarding affiliate IDs or referral codes.

  • Increased Transparency: Provide a clear record of traffic sources for both the referrer and the site owner.

Efficient A/B Testing

  • Experimentation: Conduct A/B tests by routing traffic through different funnels using the same short URL with different parameters.

  • Detailed Results: Collect detailed insights into which variations perform better based on parameter tracking.

Data Integrity and Security

  • Avoiding Data Loss: Preserve critical tracking information by forwarding parameters when a user accesses the short URL.

  • Controlled Exposure: Audit and control the parameters being added to avoid exposing sensitive data unnecessarily.

Ease of Use and Automation

  • Automated Systems: Streamline operations for platforms that rely on automated link generation and tracking.

  • Reduced Manual Work: Save time and reduce errors by automating the appending of parameters to each short URL.

How to Enable Parameter Forwarding

  1. Navigate to the URL Shortify > Links

  2. Add New link

  3. Enable Parameter Forwarding

  4. Save the link

How to enable/disable parameter forwarding globally?

  1. Go to URL Shortify > Settings

  2. Go to the Links section

  3. Enable/Disable the Parameter Forwarding option and save the settings. (see the below image)


  • Short URL: https://exe.com/abc123?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=summer_sale

  • Target URL Before Click: https://example.com/page

  • Target URL After Click: https://example.com/page?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=summer_sale

Best Practices

  • Avoid Sensitive Data: Do not include sensitive or personal data in parameters.

  • Consistent Testing: Regularly test shortened URLs to confirm parameters are forwarding as intended.

  • Monitor Effectiveness: Use analytics to evaluate the impact of parameter forwarding on your campaigns and URL performance.


Can I disable parameter forwarding for a specific short URL?

Yes, you can enable/disable parameter forwarding for a specific URL.

Will forwarded parameters affect the functionality of my target URL?

Forwarded parameters should not interfere with the target URL’s functionality if they are properly constructed and the target site is designed to handle them.

Last updated